Preliminary, final and executive design, coordination of safety in the design phase, Works Supervision and coordination of safety in the construction phase with regard to works for carrying out the project called “New Commercial Port of Fiumicino”
Client: Port authority of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino e Gaeta.
Period of implementation: 2012 – 2014
Total value of works: Euro 398.394.299,84
The preliminary design of the new Commercial Port of Fiumicino has been developed in accordance with the provisions of the Revision of the Port Planning Scheme approved by Lazio Region with Resolution no. 358 of 13.07.2012. Under the Port Planning Scheme, to the North of the mouth of the Fiumicino Canal, a basin protected by two docks will be created, and in this area, by filling works extending into the sea, with the creation of quays and forecourts designed to host the new functions provided for by the Port Planning Scheme, such as docking for cruise ships, docking for Ro-Ro and Ro-Pax vessels, docking for river passenger traffic, mooring of fishing vessels and the creation of areas related to the fish market activities, the creation of infrastructures to house ship building and infrastructures for an area for the Police nautical services. The preliminary design of the new Commercial Port of Fiumicino was directed to establish a cruise ship terminal and docking for Ro-Ro ferries, thus responding to the demand by the tourist and commercial sector, linked with the airport, Rome and the Logistics Platform of the Fiumicino area. On the basis of zoning under the Port Planning Scheme, the project has identified the following operational areas.
Docking area for cruise ships
The southern quay of the new port has been reserved for cruise ships; 700 m long, it can accommodate two or three ships.
Docking area for Ro-Pax vessels
This area, approximately 495 m long, is along the shore quay. The width of the embankment. Docking is available for four ferries at the same time, with a maximum length equal to or greater than 200 m. Two jetties, 240 m long and 20 m wide, have been secured to the shore quay for this purpose.
Docking area for Ro-Ro vessels
The total length of the shore quay area available for Ro-Ro vessels is approximately 158 m. It includes a docking jetty with width varying between 13.60 m and 96.60 m, and 200 m long, so that the total reception capacity is for two Ro-Ro ships with stern doors, up to 200 m long.
Docking area for river passenger traffic
Situated near the mouth of Fiumicino Canal, this will be set up to provide a river quay to favour passenger transport transiting in the port, and directed to Rome and other tourist and archaeological attractions along the River Tiber.
Service area for fishing boat dock and the fish market
The dock fishing is accessible from the main basin via a channel that runs parallel to the breakwater. The dock is 120 m wide and the side adjacent to the canal (at approximately 65 m from it) is 420 m long. The opposite side, 579 m long and 37.50 m wide, extends up to the edge of the outer breakwater towards the inlet, forming an access canal 56.20 m wide and approximately 154 m long.